Dirt Bike VIN InfoYou've worked hard for your money and the last thing you want to discover is that the used dirt bike you just bought was stolen. Buying a used dirt bike in good mechanical condition is only part of the total equation. Making sure the dirt bike isn't stolen is the other part, and the dirt bike's VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) can help determine if the used dirt bike you're buying is legit. What is a dirt bike VIN?Prior to 1980 most dirt bikes had a metal tag stamped with a serial number of about eight or ten characters (depending on the year and model of the bike) riveted somewhere on the bike's frame.
Yamaha Dirt Bike Vin
In 1981 the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) instituted the VIN system which is a 17-character alphanumeric identifier and the VIN is now etched into the dirt bike's frame.