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Invalid Inconsistent License Key Solidworks Free

Yes, we propose a maintenance contract, but first of all, please remember that our products are delivered with a quarter of year guarantee. To know more about it, read the question “Do your products benefit from a guarantee? You can either purchase your maintenance contract when you order your product, or after the free of charge guarantee quarter has come to an end.


You can purchase a one year (or more) maintenance contract. In any case, you will still benefit from your quarter of year free guarantee. Maintenance also includes support and help from our technical department. Here are the explanations of the license error codes. If you do not solve the problem despite these explanations, do not hesitate to.1 Cannot find license file.2 Invalid license file syntax.3 No license server system for this feature.4 Licensed number of users already reached.5 No such feature exists.6 No TCP/IP port number in license file and FLEXnet Licensing service does not exist. (pre-v6 only) -7 No socket connection to license server manager service.8 Invalid (inconsistent) license key or signature. The license key/signature and data for the feature do not match. This usually happens when a license file has been altered.9 Invalid host.

Solidworks Free License


Invalid License Key Inconsistent Authenticat…

Solidworks free license

Solidworks License Server

The hostid of this system does not match the hostid specified in the license file.10 Feature has expired.11 Invalid date format in license file.12 Invalid returned data from license server system.13 No SERVER lines in license file.14 Cannot find SERVER host name in network database. The lookup for the host name on the SERVER line in the license file failed. This often happens when NIS or DNS or the hosts file is incorrect. Workaround: Use IP address (e.g., 123.456.789.123) instead of host name.15 Cannot connect to license server system.